
Weight Loss

Home Weight Loss

Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Loss

According to Ayurveda, our constitution is governed by three bodily intelligences called doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Among these three bodily intelligences, it is usually an imbalance with the kapha dosha that is responsible for weight gain.
To lose excess body fat, we recommend diet and lifestyle practices that reduce kapha in our bodies. Kapha is essential for strength, stability, protection and immunity, however it is important to avoid excess kapha as it can quickly lead to weight gain.

Detox for weight loss
Ayurvedic detox (panchakarma) is very beneficial for accelerating weight loss. It gives your digestion a chance to rest, while it clears the toxins from your system. It presses the ‘reset’ button on your metabolism and supports your body to find a healthy balance. Many of our patients struggling with overweight have experienced remarkable benefits in losing a huge amount of unwanted body fat in a very small time with our detox program.

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Sector. 82, Main Market, Dadri Road , Noida-201304



+91-9990694141 , +91-9990693838