
Over Weight Symptoms

Home Over Weight Symptoms

Over Weight Symptoms

Some scientists attribute socio economic conditions like affluence, urbanisation, advertisements of certain food items and unavailability of healthy food options. Others consider lifestyle and personal habits like lack of exercise and choices of food. Certain diseases and genetic conditions affecting hormonal balance and metabolism also can cause obesity. Whatever is the reason, obesity is basically an imbalance of energy in the body. When you consume too much energy than the body spends for different tasks, the excess energy needs to be stored. This storage is mostly in the form of fat. The fat is stored in special cells called adipocytes in the adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is mostly found below the skin and around internal organs and intestines. It is this fat which increases your body weight and makes you look big.

Genetic Factors
Many of us are predisposed to gaining more weight and obesity, due to our genetic makeup. Our parents do not necessarily be obese, but some genes which can cause more fat storage shall be present in us. There are around 40 gene sites which are linked to weight. But for these genes to make us obese or overweight, they have to be triggered with constant supply of high calories and sedentary habits.

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