
Hair Care

Home Hair Care

Hair Care

Hair fall, dandruff, split and frizzy hair, and balding are some of the most common problems that people face everyday – unaware that Ayurveda has solutions for all these problems. Unlike modern remedies, Ayurvedic remedies do not leave behind any side effects. Instead, they make the hair more resilient to damage.

Regular cleansing of scalp and hair:
Always keep your hair and scalp clean to avoid clogged hair follicles and itching of scalp. Cleanse with a gentle herbal shampoo. Excessive use of shampoo, especially a harsh one, can lead to drying of scalp and damaged hair. Use lukewarm or fresh water to wash your hair, and follow with a natural conditioner. Let hair dry naturally rather than blow-drying. Trim hair regularly to take care of split-ends and natural wear and tear. Regularly cleaning and brushing hair is important. Brushing helps stimulate oil-producing glands in scalp. This natural oil makes hair healthy and glossy.

Regulate dietary habits:
Food must be eaten in properly ventilated, quiet corner and one should not do any other job while eating. For good digestion, avoid drinking too much water during meals. Proper time to drink water is half an hour after food. Drink lukewarm water if oily, spicy and non-vegetarian food is consumed. By following these rules, you can keep your body free of ama (toxins). Toxins obstruct nutrients from reaching cells and tissues and so, bad food habits like excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meats and smoking should be stopped. Eating fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour and acidic foods in excess is harmful. Chemical or synthetic medicines should be avoided.

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Sector. 82, Main Market, Dadri Road , Noida-201304



+91-9990694141 , +91-9990693838